Case Studies

Selma Housing Authority


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The Selma Housing Authority (SHA) is a government organization based in Selma, Alabama that manages affordable housing units for low-income families and individuals. They offer subsidized, income-based housing and homeownership opportunities for qualified individuals, including the elderly and persons with disabilities. SHA works with community partners to provide supportive services programs and aims to assist residents in achieving sustainability.

Selma Housing
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Redesign the Housing Authorities website to fit the vision of its new Major. Provide modern media resources to connect with citizens of the City of Selma.

We faced many challenges trying to streamline the city’s site, while creating a user-friendly experience and give access to every city department.  Each Department leader had different ideas how to best support their customers. 

And lastly, design an app that works with the website to help landlords and tenants with payments and work order requests.


Their websites should help them build credibility, help residents, attract businesses, keep visitors on the website, and help everyone find what they are looking for.

Our web development team was ready to build the city a cost-effective municipal website in accordance with the best UX practices. we used the best tips and tricks of municipal website design.

The award winning site, which you can visit at, is automated and includes more visually pleasing pages. The first thing visitors to the site will notice is the video at the top of the page, custom made for Selma Housing Authority.

Kmarks Solutions also designed a custom app with many features including live chat, rent payments, maintenance requests, property details, and so much more.

Selma Housing Authority Website of the Year Awards
case studies


  • +2.64% sessions
  • +12.35% average session duration
  • +25.47% pageviews
  • -53.21% bounce rate
  • +22.23% pages per session
  • +22.23% growth in sales