Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Promised by Many Companies Accomplished by Few!

How do we know this is a true statement?

As you sift through the information available on the internet or as you get bombarded with email campaigns from SEO companies it can become overwhelming. In many cases, the advice you get could be outdated or misleading. So, we are publishing this post to break down a few facts.

First things first, SEO can be simple and used by anyone to rank at the top of their market in Google grow their business, and make money. You first need to understand how the #1 Search Engine Company, Google works.

What do you need to know about Google?

Many of you need to be aware of Google’s history. Over 18 years ago Google started working on a smarter search engine for better navigation of the web. Google delivered a search engine users could simply type what they were looking for and get relevant results. Of course, it didn’t take long for webmasters to find sneaky ways to hack the system to improve their Google ranking results. Google decided to raise the stakes to ensure its users got the most relevant results as Google maintains its crown as the top search engine on the web.

Since then, Google has released widespread updates stopping keyword stuffing and other hacks from gaming the system. This has made ranking in Google extremely competitive and complex. Simply put, Google is fighting to keep its search engine relevant and must constantly evolve to continue delivering relevant results.

Finally, let us provide a little advice and three key principles you can use to determine why one site ranks higher than another before Google’s next update.

1.) Trust

The key to Google’s updates for the past several years is to keep for-quality, untrustworthy sites out of the search results.  If your site is developed with quality content and backlinks from reputable sources, it will be considered a trustworthy source.


2.) Authority

Authority is your overall strength in your market.  Yes, your local market matters!  For example: if your site has 1200 social media followers and backlinks, and your competitors only have fifty social media followers and backlinks, you’re going to rank higher.  Of course, authority is not an isolated principle, it works in tandem with the other two.

3.) Relevance

Google rewards the contextual relevance of a site with higher rankings; this allows niche sites or local businesses to rank higher.  Yes, this takes time and a little more effort.  Many people have tried paid ads and realized they are expensive. It takes at least 5 months or even a full year (or more!) to rank organically in the search engines.  Your first goal is to be ranked in Google Maps.  Why? We are glad you asked, most users request come from a cellular phone identifying their location.  Which makes Google Maps results data more relevant than ads or organic results.

Ready to enhance your online visibility with expert Search Engine Optimization (SEO)? Contact us today at Kmarks Solutions and let our team boost your website’s ranking and drive targeted traffic to your business.


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